Welcome to the Polish Ex-Servicemen's Association
Branch Australia Inc
Polish Ex-Servicemen's Association (SPK)
Australia Perpetual Fund
This site is dedicated to the proud history of Poland, her Army traditions and to all those
who have sacrificed much in fighting for the independence of Poland during WWII and past wars until 1989.
The Polish Ex-Servicemen’s Association Branch Australia is a part of the Polish Ex-Servicemen’s Association World Federation,
a non-profit organisation whose Head Office resides in Great Britain.
The Association’s name in polish is “Stowarzyszenie Polskich Kombatantów w Australii” (SPK)
and later referred as “The Association” or “SPK in Australia”.
Our mission: We honor those, who even against all odds charged ahead to fight for freedom.

Zdjecie pamiatkowe - 48 Walny Zjazd Delegatow SPK Australia
Brisbane, 5/10/2019.
Od lewej stoja: prezes ZK SPK Jan Tkaczyk, prezes Kola SPK Nr 8 Zdzislaw Koch, skarbnik ZK Beata Apolinarska-Mroczek,
wiceprezes ZK Wlodzimierz Wnuk, czlonek ZK Leszek Wikarjusz, czlonek ZK Edward Wlodarski, sekretarz ZK Krystyna Tkaczyk,
skarbnik Kola SPK Nr 8 Bozena Maciejewska, wiceskarbnik ZK Yolanda Borucki, wiceprezes Kola SPK Nr 1 Ryszard Dzierzba,
prezes Kola SPK Nr 1 Stanislaw Zak i wiceprezes Kola SPK Nr 8 Andrzej Mroczek.
